SEO vs PPC: Which is Right for You?

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There are many approaches that a business can take when it comes to creating a solid online presence. For those who place lead conversions and website traffic near the top of their priorities list, SEO (search engine optimization) and PPC (pay-per-click) strategies might begin to sound useful. And they are – in their own unique ways. Below, we’ll explain what these strategies are, and detail a list of pros/cons for each.

What is SEO?

Search engine optimization, or SEO, is a set of techniques that are used to increase organic website traffic. This is done through the cultivation of quality content and the optimizing of websites with lead conversions as the goal.



    • SEO doesn’t have to cost you anything, unless you recruit the help of the professionals at a proper SEO company.
    • Ads and links that show up as a result of SEO tend to be viewed as more trustworthy than ads and links that are paid for.
    • Organic traffic is the name of the game, and this is what SEO is aimed to lead to. Organic website traffic, when the website provides quality content, snowballs through recommendations made by prior and current website visitors.
    • SEO practices increase visibility, bringing your website higher to the top of page one on a related Google search.



    • The results of your SEO practices will not become apparent for some time. Patience is a requirement when you need to accurately assess the effectiveness of your SEO strategy.
    • A well-optimized website requires that content be frequently updated and remain relevant. For many business owners and website managers, this can be too demanding on what little time they have in the day.

What is PPC?

PPC, or pay-per-click, entails purchasing ad space on a given forum, such as Google or Facebook. This type of marketing gets you to the top of the page, for sure, but because the space is purchased the traffic your website receives will not be regarded as organic.



      • You get a guaranteed place when you pay link or ad space. This immediately increases your brand’s visibility because, no matter what, you’ll be placed at the top of the search engine’s results.
      • With PPC, you get the option of flexibility in terms of how much you are willing to pay per link, per day. This allows you to put a PPC plan into action on your terms and in line with your budget.

PPC ads are specifically targeted at the desired audience, so you not only increase your brand’s visibility, but you also make yourself more visible to the right people.



      • No matter what, you have to pay for PPC to be worked into your marketing scheme. SEO, on the other hand, doesn’t have to cost you. This can be a bad thing if you get stuck dealing with a budget cut and can no longer afford to pay for ad space.
      • Paid ads and links are perceived by most consumers as less trustworthy and reliable.

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